Thursday 2 October 2014

How to find source materials for assignments?

When we were asked about finding the source materials for assignments, there are so many sources that we can find. Internets, magazines, books, journals and newspapers are examples of source materials. From these sources, students gain benefits which helps them gaining information and knowledge.

These days, there are a lot of less reliable sites which were used as social networks sites such as blogs, group discussion forums, Yahoo answers and Wiki answers. These sites are usually very fast to detect from the search engines, and easy for students to understand, but these sites are providing information which are not useful for us especially the students to use it as our most reliable facts and information.

Therefore, the source materials must be valid, reliable and credible (trustworthy). When we look and search for something, we have to look at it critically. Check them first, try to understand the contents, and make sure whether it is correct or not.

But, how to make sure that sources are valid, reliable and credible?

These are the general guidelines when we search sources materials through the internet. First, look at their URL addresses. Some official websites have domains such as gov, org, edu and ac are mostly trustworthy. However, we must also be aware because sometimes, people or agencies may use these domains for their official websites as their personal websites. They may put facts and their opinions into it as well.
Second, we have to make sure that the contents from these websites are valid. Try to understand the contents and make sure the articles or journals were made by experts. Author's credential also can be known, and whether they are affiliated to any company. Most journals and articles are cited with references. Besides, we should know who are the articles referred and written to. Articles that containing a lot of negative criticisms and prejudices must be avoided.
Lastly, the currency of the articles and journals are also important for us to use it as guidelines.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V. How was it? Fun?

First of all, have you heard about a plagiarism before? Do you understand on the concept of this stuff?

See the title of this blog post. Do you know what it was mean? Let me tell you what it was referred to.
Ctrl + C = COPY
Ctrl + V = PASTE

So, how was it, if you try this while doing your works such as your assignments and reports? It was fun and easy right? Laugh out loud. Yeah.

Well, let me remind you that if you do this, you are totally on the wrong path, especially as a university's student. Why it was wrong?

"Hey, I just copying and then pasting it. I do wrong nothing!"
Wow, so easy to talk right? Why don't you asking on why it was claimed as your fault.

"Oh, I really did it wrong? I seem confused. Can you explain it to me? And why you say so? Why it was wrong when I am just copying and then pasting it on my assignments or reports?"

Plagiarism. Yes, what you have did are called as plagiarism. And, yes, you are wrong because you are using other people's work without his/her permission first.

"So, what about if i get his/her permission first before copying and then pasting it onto my assignments? I still done my work in a correct way , right?"

Dear, you are still wrong. Sigh.
Feeling guilty.

Plagiarism is defined as stealing other people's work including their words, images, ideas, videos, audios, etc. without crediting to the right owner. Plagiarisms on our assignments and reports are not only copying words from online journals or articles as you are imagined. It can be in many various ways. It is also known as the topic that is popular among universities level.

Turnitin is usable for lecturers to grade students' work. Turnitin able in tracking and finding the similarities between students' work and online works by tracking electronic papers in order to avoid plagiarism. Therefore, lecturers can detects students who are plagiarised, and who are not plagiarised their assignments or reports.

Students must avoid plagiarism in order to maintain their originality of works, They can read others' work in order to get better understanding and information. However, they must not used the original ideas or words from that sources. There are other ways which students still can use the original sources without being plagiarised. Direct paraphrases an summarises must be documented. Therefore, any original words or quotes must be cited.

Very easy, right?


Last but not least...

The Journey begins

The road ahead seems blurred.

Yeah. I am confused.

everything is written.

It might be that my silence is my struggle against my own self.

I'll take a step forward.

let not my silence be viewed as a sign of weakness.

Dear me,
keep moving.

Stay strong.